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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. When you fight that football dude I had the:ben: face going on through that entire cutscene Lmao, yeah that's the one I was talking about. Pretty sure it was 25 Easily one of the most memorable moments this gen for me Yeah just thinking about it makes me lol IRL
  2. When you fight that football dude I had the:ben: face going on through that entire cutscene. No words could describe it.
  3. It's pretty short though, I beat it in 8 hours on MILD difficulty, but I hardly did any of the side content things. Also the game has easily some of the best boss fights this gen.
  4. Indeed, it was way better then the first 1 in every possible way and somehow scored lower :headshake:
  5. the 2nd last fight? Yeah she owned :( I didn't wanna cut her head off so I didn't move my mote for the gesture, but it went and did it anyways I didn't get what happened in the ending though.
  6. Yeah it's definitely one of the top games this year Travis fucking owns
  7. Finished No More Heroes 2, great game. Final boss fight was Fuuucked up lmao
  8. Those flying parrot levels Currently at 99 stars, fuck some are just ridiculous to get.
  9. I played it at a kiosk at EB games back in like grade 8 lol. Fun game.
  10. N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Nintendo, 1998 97.48% 25 Reviews WII Super Mario Galaxy Nintendo, 2007 97.46% 77 Reviews WII Super Mario Galaxy 2 Nintendo, 2010 97.43% lol damn they're all so close to one another.
  11. Yeah they definitely went all out in Galaxy 2. Fuck some levels are ridiculous
  12. Lmao I'm getting tired of it too, on Act 3 and holy hell fetch quests galore.
  13. Was the last game even ported? The controls fucking blew.
  14. yeah wtf, they should have released it on PS2 at least. It would have made way more money than on PSP.
  15. On Chapter 3 of the Witcher This game is fucking hard lmao.
  16. Hey GD you should give the Megaman Zero collection a try. Here's sample of what some of the platforming is like (skip to 1:35)
  17. I thought EP1 was awesome, some really good character development for Alex and answered a few questions that were confusing for me in HL2. The pacing was great as well.
  18. Playing Half-Life 2 (EP1 and EP2 soon after) and The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
  19. It's Vanille's voice acting along with her lines. She has some stupid lines. The kind of shit that makes you simply want to tell her "just STFU already, damn" Oh yeah I know she was annoying, but Fang was just so much worse. Like I actually wanted to climb into my TV and stab that bitch I couldn't stand Snow at all.
  20. OK, this Beast fight is ridiculous Motherfucker killed me 10 times now.
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