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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. I banged Abigail and defended her against the village Is that a good thing or bad thing? Oh and I'm getting owned by the Beast
  2. Playing The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Shit is fucking boss.
  3. Lmao just wait till you get to Gran Pulse, you'll probably stop there and not bother going back.
  4. how are the controls and what's your pc specs Quad core running at least 3.4 GHz
  5. Fuck I can't stop playing Galaxy 2 it's the most rewarding experience i've had all gen
  6. They need to make a new one for this gen There's a few for the DS
  7. Alan Wake had to fight a possessed tractor. /argument :reggie: Oh god, watch out for the floating books
  8. Alan Wake had to fight a possessed tractor. /argument :reggie: Isaac had to take out this motherfucker :reggie:
  9. Well he kinda has to when he's getting jumped at by big ass tentacle monsters :reggie:
  10. Isaac has more balls then Wake, lmao pussy flashlights :reggie:
  11. No it reminded me of Luigi's Mansion and I hated that game
  12. The graphics are good, but lmao the script, animations, and gameplay fucking suck balls and completely kill the atmosphere for me.
  13. Oblivion is pretty monotous, but fuck RDR world feels so alive and authentic it's insane.
  14. I got a midterm on Thursday and this fucking game wasted my entire day
  15. Lag-free and very smooth. I only played for like 15 minutes shooting people out, going to get more into it when R* dev's start playing online so I can get the achievement
  16. Same could be said about your opinions on PS3 exclusives Btw wanna play some RDR MP?
  17. i spent so many hours just fucking around in the world. lmao there was this one dude stranded out in the open and asked for my help then he punches me out and steals my horse I love this game.
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