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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. I don't hate on the game but I just stopped because it was too slow. Or maybe it's because I beat OoT, MM and WW, and felt like it was more of the same.So I'm guessing that you didn't enjoy GOWIII or ME2 this year. I guess I can also safely say that you aren't hyped for Halo: Reach or the next Gears game. Right? :reggie: Or maybe's it's because TP just isn't as good as those three games, or maybe it's because TP has a completely lifeless overworld? :reggie: Like I said before, keep playing it and it gets crazy good.
  2. lmfao, wish LP had coop. I won't be able to play my 360 till the end of this month, damn finals
  3. they didnt have it. just this for $5 Well that's fine, the other games sucked anyways
  4. You could have gotten Lost Planet with the capcom triple pack for like $30
  5. I don't hate on the game but I just stopped because it was too slow. Or maybe it's because I beat OoT, MM and WW, and felt like it was more of the same. Things speed up a lot after you face the gigantic SotC type boss in the water temple.
  6. harder to play because it was so boring. :facepalm: (Im guilty of giving up on the game in the first 5 hours) Meh the first couple of hours seriously blow a lot, but it get's a LOT better after the 3rd dungeon. Patience son.
  7. Wow that still looks good. the art style is some of the best ever
  8. I have the same feeling going through FF IX right now Fuck I miss that game, I wish I still had my copy :( I decided to revisit the original Half Life Fuck I can't wait for Black Mesa Source, HL feels so outdated with its graphics :(
  9. Bro I just found my copy of P3 when I was looking for Wind Waker, I could have given it to you :(
  10. The graphics still look great What a timeless classic
  11. Just started playing Wind Waker again oh the nostalgia is making my balls explode
  12. It's not a great game. It's a great game for the first playthrough but after that it's worthless.
  13. Most of the time they just try to nitpick just for the sake of shit talking.
  14. Ugh I hated the wolf parts. Good thing the rest of the game more than makes up for it
  15. Bowser's Inside Story fucking owns. The last part of the game was so epic
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