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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Why do people play as girls in some games But yeah you can bang Alistair
  2. I know And my main dude starts off with no clothes on either WTF
  3. Is it legit? I got a 48 hour Live code if you wanna play some coop/MP
  4. Unstuck that Photo Thread that hasn't gotten a reply for like 2 days and stuck this one
  5. It is on dat Cyclo and the acceleration and movements been changed too
  6. It took you this long to beat Alexander? Nah I didn't have time to play 30 hours in now and those robot miniboss in that cave are RAPING me Holy shit the enemies are so fucking hard would it be stupid to fight those big ass 50 ft tall elephants
  7. Oh mah gaaaaad I finally beat Alexander and got to the big ass field. It's so lifelike
  8. i can see why you love it. it's very well produced. it just didn't grab me. now the condemned games You should keep on playing it, there's some cool puzzles and boss fights later on.
  9. Nah they fixed it up, I have an extra code for all the DLC if you want it. I need someone to coop me for the SP
  10. yeah i did do that, but fucking hope dies in like 2 hits fang doesn't attract Alexander with her sentinel abilities either have 2 med's doesn't help either since they all bounce up whenever they get hit.
  11. lmao at the third level some of them start costing nearly 400. it makes sense lmao it goes from 4000 then to like 10000 half way through and the enemies are so hard in GP
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