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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Vanilla FO3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vanilla Oblivion. The only fun I got out of FO3 was using a mini nuke launcher cheat and blasting every motherfucker to oblivion ( )
  2. Oblivion is the greatest RPG ever when using mods. Sunk in like 300+ hours into it.
  3. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.list
  4. Didn't have any issues on 360. it sucksPffft. The demo was awesome. Meh, I'll try it again. Only played it for like 20 min, wish you could save Yeah beat it! Dungeon might require a little bit of thought. I played it twice, first time couldn't get into it. Second time I bought some upgrades and got more used to the combat/controls. The enemies get a little tougher and some of the environmental puzzles are fun. It's really just like a badass Zelda clone. It's just harder to get into beacuse there's no context for the dungeon and the gameplay isn't exactly quick. That g
  5. That's weird, I didn't experience any problems with the demo. I think it's because it's installed on the HDD which quickens up the data stream rate by quite a bit.
  6. it sucksPffft. The demo was awesome. Meh, I'll try it again. Only played it for like 20 min, wish you could save
  7. Almost done GoW3, fuck Zeus is hard when he splits into like 8 Solid game, but nowhere near the hype IMO. Not the best SP game ever or this gen, but definitely in the top 10. Now I need to finish up FFXIII this weekend
  8. I haven't played an action Game for years lost all my NGB MNM skills :(
  9. Played GoW3 for like 4 hours, really great game, some of the best graphics I've ever seen(there were a few parts with shitty textures but then again which game doesn't?) combat is a bit improved over the previous games, and diffiuculty of bosses have been greatly raised, I mean fucking Hades killed me like 5 times while in the previous games I never died once. After the first few hours of graphical awe, I became used to it and the rest of the game doesn't really amaze me as it did in the beginning. Puzzles are smartly implemented and not as cheap as the ones in 2 and combat is satisfying. Q
  10. Holy shit, so many mods with different worlds with their own NPC's and towns. There's no end to this game
  11. Lol there's also a master chief and sephiroth mod too
  12. Yeah it looks pretty good http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=7irr_N9HKbo
  13. The dragon was in Alpha btw, it's animations and model detail has changed greatly.
  14. Really shitty quality video, you have to play it yourself to truly benefit from it. That's it, I'm reinstalling Oblivion
  15. There's also a dragon mod where you can ride a dragon anywhere you want too
  16. Berserk armor and weapons mod + DMC animation and combat mod = :jerkit
  17. GD Download Qarl's Texture Pack here HH http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=2363 There's also a shit load of other mods too like realistic weather, better lighting etc. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.HOF Seriously, the amount of amazing mods for Oblivion PC is insane.
  18. Wtf you already beat it? It just came out today Do you think it's worth the purchase and do you see yourself playing it again?
  19. Priority of games to finish first: 1) FFXIII 2) DAO:A 3) GoW3 After this, no more fucking games until Reach.
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