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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. i just played a little of the darksiders demo for ps3. i'm glad to see it doesn't have all the screen tearing and framerate issues found in the 360 version. though i'm not sure if i like it yet.

    Didn't have any issues on 360.

    i still gotta play the demo for darksiders.

    it sucksPffft. The demo was awesome. Meh, I'll try it again. Only played it for like 20 min, wish you could save :happysad:

    Yeah beat it! Dungeon might require a little bit of thought.

    I played it twice, first time couldn't get into it. Second time I bought some upgrades and got more used to the combat/controls. The enemies get a little tougher and some of the environmental puzzles are fun. It's really just like a badass Zelda clone.

    It's just harder to get into beacuse there's no context for the dungeon and the gameplay isn't exactly quick.

    That giant shuriken thing reminded me of Link's boomerang :killzone: The combat isn't that great though :ben: I'm practically holding the X button and motherfucker does like 20 hit combo. Doesn't feel as satisfying as Zelda's combat IMO.
  2. Played GoW3 for like 4 hours, really great game, some of the best graphics I've ever seen(there were a few parts with shitty textures but then again which game doesn't?) combat is a bit improved over the previous games, and diffiuculty of bosses have been greatly raised, I mean fucking Hades killed me like 5 times while in the previous games I never died once. After the first few hours of graphical awe, I became used to it and the rest of the game doesn't really amaze me as it did in the beginning. Puzzles are smartly implemented and not as cheap as the ones in 2 and combat is satisfying. QTE's are well done, but even though the sequences are nice to look at, I don't get that sense of accomplishment. Other than that, really solid game, every PS3 owner must play this just to experience some really epic stuff never seen before in a game. Personally i'd rent it since I don't see myself playing it again. So far so good, kratos is one crazy motherfucker and the game keeps getting better, even though some parts are really tedious, the presentation, graphics, production values, and music are off the charts.

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