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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-



    Dropped persona 3, the fatigue mechanic killed it for me. Replaying Infinite on 1999 mode and some Dota 2. Still looking for that one JRPG (outside of Souls and Parasite Eve) that I can enjoy.

    Have you tried Grandia II? It seems to be another one of those games like Chrono Trigger that people seem to dig.

    Nah, I'll give it a chance next weekend though.


    Radiant Historia. That is all.

    What a godly game.

  2. The controls are alright I guess. Not a big issue for me. I'm just a lazy ass gamer, so it kinda irks me when I gotta move around, even the slightest bit, to play a game. But ill deal with it. This game is what I need right now

    Be alert in the dungeons, some puzzles can take a while to figure out :ben: Actually the whole game is like one big dungeon you won't even realize you're in a dungeon :tard:

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