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System Warrior
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Everything posted by SilentSoldier

  1. god damn, what's with all the name changes to Game of Thrones Characters
  2. lmao I don't really see the resemblance. Jason Statham on the other hand.. shit we're basically twins lol you wish
  3. Well at least scary movies no longer looks like a 12 year old
  4. the bars in DC are expensive as hell, and this is coming from a guy that lives in SoCal
  5. The only higher requirement that you need is a high school diploma and a decent score on the ASVAB (which is really easy to do). god the ASVAB was such a piss easy test, but to my surprise, not that many people do as well as you would think. Otherwise wouldn't everyone be in the navy and air force
  6. lol the Navy and Air Force have like higher requirements to join than the Army and Marines. And by requirements I mean like mental aptitude, you can't just decide to enlist and be like I'm gonna join the navy you have to score well on the qualifying test to be able to enlist in the navy and airforce.
  7. lol at your losers and your thinking corona is some type of great beer . Craft microbrews FTW!
  8. I'm much more into beer now myself, and now it doesn't take nearly as many shots for me to get retarded anymore :(.
  9. Mike's right, no smoking for me anymore :( we can get shitfaced drunk instead
  10. I was there like 3 weeks ago and I live in SoCal where its been like 70+ degrees all day so anything lower than 60 to me is freezing. I actually like warm weather and I don't mind humidity (been to Louisiana and Memphis a bunch of times during the summer and loved it). Cold weather and me just don't get along.
  11. So you went to DC after all. How did it go? I think it went well, was nervous pretty much the whole day but the school did a nice job of making me feel welcomed. DC is pretty awesome too. But holy fuck it was cold, don't know how I'm gonna deal with that being from Cali.
  12. Well I haven't been posting nearly as much as I'd like to being so busy with life and all that stuff.
  13. Haven't posted a pic in a while so why not now. Plus this thread needed to be active again.
  14. Apparently the guy who started it is the leader of some alien cult in canada and the event itself is somehow related to the cult. Lol, of course it would end up being something weird like that.
  15. wasn't it like national take off your top day or something like that. Supposed to be some women's rights bullshit or something like that.
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