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Posts posted by -GD-X

  1. 33 minutes ago, Chicano3000X said:

    That's almost half of people's share of rent. This is probably the worst economic time to annoice a console with that price tag.

    A PC is more worthwhile in the long run (at least for me), because it has so much more usage beyond just gaming, movies and music. My gaming PC doubles as my workstation.

    half of rent? where do you live? rent is like $2,500-$4,000 here.

  2. Just now, Remij said:

    I'm not glad, but I'm indifferent.  It used to make me sad when I'd go out shopping and see the retail space for gaming shrink and shrink year after year.. but these days I barely go to the electronics sections of any stores anymore lol.


    I miss the days of nice big boxes and nice packaging in games.  You can only get that with limited or collector's editions of games these days and I wouldn't waste money on that either.  There's only a few game series these days thar I'd do that for.  Diablo being one of them.

    eh, i'm so lazy. digital :love: no clutter :love:


    collecting games :puke:

  3. 15 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    He isnt always there. You have to beat the previous loong bosses i think.


    The stone fucking monkey. I had him down to like 3 hits. UGH. At least i know i got this one. Will take some more practice but i know its doable.

    yeah, i beat the previous ones. i know what i did wrong. it's just funny, since i found almost everything else in 3.

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