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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. This sounds like a major headache. How easy is it to access gamepass?
  2. I've been doing some research and the 4070 is definitely what I'm eying for GPU. 32g of drr5 ram, as well. I'm still reading up on CPUs.
  3. the jumps from each generation are feeling smaller and smaller. there's definitely room for games to look better. however, we won't see that massive jump like we did from ps1 to ps2 or from ps2 to ps3.
  4. yeah, i know quite a few people who loved the demo. i'm definitely keeping my eye on this.
  5. i have played GT 7. f8 looks marginally better. the original pc video looks almost a gen better, though. this is a pretty huge downgrade.
  6. yeah, i remember seeing a lot of ray tracing in the first gameplay reveal. i'm pretty underwhlemed by this. i may just wait until i get my PC.
  7. no clue. it was pretty awful earlier. now, it's just a bit laggy. alphonse is slowly pulling the plug on this place.
  8. did it get downgraded? it still looks good (better than GT), but i remember the earlier gameplay vids looking a lot better.
  9. how is the dodging? i ended up 2 handing my weapons in Bloodborne.
  10. this is looks awesome. i don't care how much it takes from the soulsborne games (rally, boss summons, stagger, +10 upgrade system, etc.). it looks ownage af. if i get home early enough tonight, i'll give the demo a whirl. too many long work days lately.
  11. I, occasionally, go on Discord (pretty rarely now). That’s about it. Once this site is fully dead, I’m done with gaming forums.
  12. Very happy to see Heat fans cry next up, Panthers.
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