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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Easily the best sandbox game on the market. really?!? damn..i got to play it.
  2. You mean besides the fact it straight up uses the Zelda formula? Enter dungeon, get new item, use new item to solve the puzzles and defeat the boss. Rinse and repeat. I get no Zelda impression from that game, i get a cheap GoW impression.ya. same here. i have the demo. will try it.
  3. I asked the same question because I thought the demo was honestly total garbage. (well the part with the crime scene investigation). But peeps from here said the game is much much better. yeah..seems like the full game is worth a playthrough.
  4. damn..i want this now. i was glad to hear the full game was better than the demo.
  5. i'm surprised by how many peeps liked heavy rain. perhaps i will find a used copy soon.
  6. this game seems to be love or hate. ronk and handsome horse hated it..yet you and segafan love it. so odd. and I can see why, I mean there is nothing spectacular about it, the combat gets the job done, the graphics are ok, great models, so - so rest, the story is interesting, puzzles are nothing new, and yet the sum of all that is very entertaining. how are the puzzles? they are of the drag this block to this place kind, heard they become really good later on thou. ahh..aight
  7. this game seems to be love or hate. ronk and handsome horse hated it..yet you and segafan love it. so odd. and I can see why, I mean there is nothing spectacular about it, the combat gets the job done, the graphics are ok, great models, so - so rest, the story is interesting, puzzles are nothing new, and yet the sum of all that is very entertaining. how are the puzzles?
  8. this game seems to be love or hate. ronk and handsome horse hated it..yet you and segafan love it. so odd.
  9. yeah it was pretty awful. had framerate issues, jags, and overall worse image quality.
  10. i haven't played it. though i heard the first few chapters are pretty boring. i'm curious to get your opinion on it once you finish it.It got a bit better after the two next chapters which are the demo levels but it's still basically the same thing. But the QTE's are at least well done for the most part that's good to hear. i know, like me, you weren't too fond of the demo. keep me updated. Few hours further in, gets much better and enjoyable. Some scenes you really feel drawn in on what's happening yet plenty of times you feel completely disconnected despite their best efforts to make you
  11. i take back everything i've said about gears 2 the campaign really does get better as it goes along. i'm glad i gave it a second chance.
  12. i haven't played it. though i heard the first few chapters are pretty boring. i'm curious to get your opinion on it once you finish it.It got a bit better after the two next chapters which are the demo levels but it's still basically the same thing. But the QTE's are at least well done for the most part that's good to hear. i know, like me, you weren't too fond of the demo. keep me updated.
  13. lighten up hitman. spamming my page is not going to win any respect. just be a man about this. it's only a gaming forum.

  14. i haven't played it. though i heard the first few chapters are pretty boring. i'm curious to get your opinion on it once you finish it.
  15. Really? MOst of them didnt or havent even played it, but gotta support the cows and rep it. nah. i know people off the boards who like it a lot.
  16. Renting it allowed me to like it as much as I did. I couldn't imagine paying $60 for that game.i have certain friends who enjoyed it, though i had thought for sure they wouldn't have. i have to borrow it so i can see if i like it.
  17. i'm quite surprised by how many people like heavy rain.
  18. Middlei figured as much. i've been playing it for about 3 and a half to 4 hours. i take back every negative thing i've said about the campaign. it's owning hard right now.
  19. i just got swallowed by that massive worm. how far am i in gears 2?
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