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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. aight..i will keep that in mind. did u get phoenix wright?
  2. i'm going to try and get heavy rain used. i want to see if i will get into it.
  3. That XBLA is a port of free PC Portal mod lol where can i get those free mods?
  4. portal still alive: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/p/portalxboxlivearcade/ it had 14 new puzzles.
  5. retri, did valve release the portal update (the one on xbla) for pc? i heard it had more than a dozen new puzzles.
  6. joo betta. the first case is kind of like a tutorial. don't judge the game until the 2nd or 3rd case.
  7. you should cleo. the characters are fantastic and the cases are filled with twists on top of twists.
  8. phoenix wright owns so hard. some of the most clever dialog in gaming. i love all the running jokes.
  9. aight. i may put batman on hold and try to run through this over the weekend.
  10. I HATED the detective scene. yeah..it was boring. i thought the fight in the apartment was well done though.
  11. i would love to play the Misadventures of PJ Winterbottom. though i got banned on live
  12. which demos did you dislike? can't think of many off hand but Dead Space's didn't do the game justice at all. i didn't like the heavy rain and batman AA demos
  13. yeah..i bet. i may buy it this weekend. i'm very curious now
  14. aight cleo..i'm glad those were the worst levels because i too didn't care for them. i will try it out
  15. nah it's all good. i will get it used at gamespot and then will return it within 7 days
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