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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I don’t like playing bigger AAA titles on SD. I mostly play older games and indie titles
  2. 100%. I only noticed the invisible walls because I wanted to see how far off the linear path I could go, at various points. It was like I couldn’t climb/walk over 99 smaller stones, but I could climb over the one in white. The less graphically intensive areas were more open. But the more dense ones were super linear. A lot of “look, but you can’t touch”… still, the sense of scale was pretty epic. Overall, I enjoyed it. That’s all that matters.
  3. That ending to Hellblade 2 JFC I’ll make my review short: as a game - a 5 as a cinematic, interactive experience - a 7.5 graphics look incredibly stunning in parts, but come at a steep cost (more invisible walls than a ps1 title). the sound was stellar. Loved the voices w/headphones story was whatever. It was a story. the combat was meh, but looked really cool, especially if you were fighting alongside NPCs. Very cinematic. the puzzles were easy, but fine. Nothing bogged down the game. It’s abou
  4. That ending JFC I’ll make this short: as a game - a 5 as a cinematic, interactive experience - a 7.5 graphics look incredibly stunning in parts, but come at a steep cost (more invisible walls than a ps1 title). the sound was stellar. Loved the voices w/headphones story was whatever. It was a story. the combat was meh, but looked really cool, especially if you were fighting alongside NPCs. Very cinematic. the puzzles were easy, but fine. Nothing bogged down the game. It’s about 5 hours long, but
  5. My SD Oled is my favorite system. 300+ hours info it.
  6. Shiiiii I think I’m in the home stretch. It’s pretty short. I just beat My review for this will be interesting.
  7. My trip got canceled, so I’m going to see if I can knock this out. I didn’t get too far. I’m at the sequence where I have to keep my flame lit in the water, after that cool water scene.
  8. Yeah, for GP, it’s fine. It’ll be a one-and-done experience.
  9. I know I sound like I’m being hard on the “game”, but I’m actually enjoying the experience. The vibe is pretty great.
  10. All I can say is this - this makes “linecharted” from ps3 feel open world. These invisible walls are rough. However, I know it’s the price to pay for these visuals, which are pretty great. Combat is idiotic. Parry, parry, parry, strike, strike, strike (kill animation). It does look cool, but too much hand-holding. If UC3 had an “interactive butler”, this game has the 2.0 edition. as for the voices, they sound great with headphones. so far, it’s more of an experience than a game.
  11. Playing this FLOP. Let’s see how it is.
  12. so, i was able to put a few hours into lorelei and the laser eyes. there's a cool, non-linear aspect to the puzzles. some of them have been a lot of fun, and come off as hard, until you realize that the solution, or at least a major clue, is close by. i have absolutely no idea where this game is going, but i'm genuinely intrigued. i'm going on vacation this weekend, so i doubt i'll be able to play much until tuesday, but i look forward to exploring more. i had a lot of fun with the movie poster puzzles.
  13. that's fair. you get used to it. it reminds me of playing older adventure games on the SD. there are some UI quirks, but they become second nature. it's definitely a game you play when you want to stimulate the mind. it's not a chill puzzle game.
  14. yeah, they are a bit math heavy in the tutorial, but then they change up.
  15. the hype. 1,3 and reach were a lot of fun. infinite was somehow worse than 5.
  16. @Twinblade Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a banger. the curiosity got the best of me.
  17. Halo Infinite is one of the worst games I’ve played this gen. A string of Ubisoft C-tier fetch quests.
  18. I saw it. Looks wild AF
  19. oh, it's no doubt the best looking game. no doubt about that.
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