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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Of course. MS will leave the console space this gen, and will put Gamepass and its games on Sony and Nintendo platforms.
  2. i actually loved pi. i think it's more like the fountain, in that i loved its concept and imagery, but i didn't particularly love the film.
  3. i felt the exact same way. it's a better piece of art than it is an entertaining film.
  4. that cyberpunk vid with path tracing is ridiculously amazing.
  5. in a year, you'll be able to get a free s with 10 pop tart purchases.
  6. I’m watching the Dead Ringers finale. It’s wild how a vibrating phone, going off repeatedly, can create such tension and a sense of looming dread. While the series reminds me why the concept is better as a movie, I can’t deny the show’s many strengths (but there are many flaws too).
  7. @Twinblade ok, I watched more of this video and yeah, the environmental detail is pretty great.
  8. Ghostz is a retard. This is why he needs coupons in order to lease his games.
  9. Season 4 of Barry has been great, so far. Last night’s ep was another banger.
  10. The Show is an excellent baseball franchise. I haven’t played it in a few years, but it’s always been amazing.
  11. Hmmm I wasn’t impressed with the vids I had seen. I’ll have to watch more.
  12. They rather watch two dudes kiss. The lems are bug-chasing pillow biters.
  13. True. The first ep definitely left me wanting more (in a good way).
  14. The SSD has easily been the best part of this “new gen”. Hopefully, we’ll see more visual bumps.
  15. I can see that. I’m on ep 3 and there are too many moving pieces. Still, I’m awe of Weistz. The 1988 movie is definitely way more focused (I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it).
  16. Dead Ringers on Amazon Prime is pretty good. Rachel Weistz is fantastic. Also, she’s looking petty hot at 53. edit: fans of the 80’s Cronenberg flick will dig it. Weistz easily matches, maybe exceeds, Irons.
  17. If the NPC companions didn’t ruin every puzzle, I would have enjoyed it more.
  18. The beginning is meh. Once it takes off, it’s pretty great. I liked it way more than GoW.
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