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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. hmmm.. i still have a hard time buying this. we will see. i would love ninty to deliver something special.
  2. i'm definitely not banking on these specs being at a solid price, unless there's shit storage and a lcd screen.
  3. the switch oled is $349.99. i wouldn't get my hopes up on a $399 price, unless those specs are BS.
  4. with these specs (if true), expect a $499 price.
  5. the best xbox was the OG one, especially with the duke controller . it was a massive leap over the other consoles. it truly was like having a pc in the living room. some of my best gaming experiences were with project gotham racing 2 and crimson skies. also, it had some awesome niche games like otogi 1 and 2. broadband online play, a hdd for music, superior multiplats by a large margin 99% of the time...i feel like the console doesn't get enough credit.
  6. @Twinblade I finished Downfall. What a crazy fucking ride I saw your post just above, about not being able to get into a game. This one was like 5 hours long. It will definitely keep your attention. Sadistic and funny. Cat Lady was better imo, but this is pretty great in its own way. I got a 21/27, which I guess determines the ending. I would rate this a 8.5/10. An extra hour and better voice acting would have brought it to a 9, but then again, the voice acting added extra humor, especially during twisted scenes. So, maybe a 8.75.
  7. Great news, since I love this market. I’m more than happy with my SD oled, but I welcome the competition to keep pushing mobile tech.
  8. It’s actually $20 now. WTF? Edit: $20 of I pick it up at one particular store near me. $40 if I have delivered .
  9. I heard it was improved dramatically. Not perfect, but playable.
  10. the first scored a 9. however, i got a feeling this is going to get a 7.
  11. yeah, i'll usually get a month or two of it when there are several games i want to play.
  12. my bad. the link didn't work, at first, for me. but then i was able to see the tweet.
  13. hellblade 2 would do great on the ps5. the first did well on the ps4. i could see this happening.
  14. it has the same twisted imagery and humor as cat lady. i really like this dev's style.
  15. not bad. very straight forward and logical. edit: some require dark ass shit lol
  16. @Twinblade i just used a penis statue to solve a puzzle. this game is a riot
  17. excellent game, but most of us beat the hell out of it a year ago. did it just release in peru?
  18. cadence of hyrule is so bad lol buy yeah, ninty is in a league of their own.
  19. @Twinblade Downfall is crazy af. Really enjoying this!
  20. off-screen pic doesn't do it justice, but there's so many weird and twisted scenes.
  21. it controls a lot like cat lady. i love the quick saves with the SD rear buttons.
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