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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. how is this on steam deck? i would give it another shot since i think it would probably make a cool portable title.
  2. I’m on the road a lot now. So, mobile gaming has satiated my gaming fix. It’s kind of cool because I went from being a graphics whore to being more into titles with interesting gameplay loops. Some of these games have ultra retro graphics. However, I do plan on playing the Elden Tree DLC on my PS5. Actually, I can’t imagine playing any big AAA title on the SD or on any of the mobile devices. I’m very realistic with the platform’s limitations. Eventually, I will move my Steam library to PC.
  3. Light years better! Damn
  4. Yeah, I got impatient in spots, damn, 10 heaths sound good, though, especially since I’m level 25 vitality lol
  5. It may take me a few days to play. I have company coming in tomorrow
  6. It’s super addictive. Clearly, I’ve skipped a bunch of side shit, because TB is killing it more with the unlockables. We are both end game.
  7. Which one? I stopped (headache)
  8. Yup did you do any other bosses? I just beat one. A familiar friend lol
  9. @Twinblade hahaha now I know what you mean. Just beat it. Took me about 5 tries.
  10. @Twinblade ha, I just beat who you were talking about - barely lol. Cunt to the cunt power lol edit: btw, this whole level OWNS! Incredible atmosphere. Puts a lot of horror games to shame.
  11. I just found the third stargazer. Was it the creature before it?
  12. @Twinblade were you taking about the robber? What a cunt lol. I got her, though.
  13. Shit, I’ll do that. I just nuked the level 8 boss with health to spare and my spectre was still alive
  14. Nice man! I have that shield. I’ll equip it. I may reallocate my arm skills to that. Btw, I get 2200 damage with just one fable charge, 6600 with 3 I’m going to redo my tree so I can get a 4th. I’m going to grind a bit more by going through older areas, searching for shit I missed ( have only found 6 quartz). I don’t just want to beat that boss, I want to nuke him lol.
  15. I respek’d and I’m getting some massive damage. Almost got him too on my first shot this morning! Motility + technique build > all. I just need more health now lol. He killed me with a combo lol. I’ll grind out 5 levels to put towards vitality (only have 15 lol). I got 30 on both mot/tech. 800+ base damage
  16. I’m going to read up on potential things I most likely missed, and then decide if I want to go back to a beefier build. I’m watching a lot of vids where peeps are getting 1,500 + regular hits, and like 4,500 + with weapon arts. I’m getting a fraction of that. I think I’m using the skill tree properly, but I don’t know.
  17. I have the flamethrower, which is pretty godly against this boss. My sword sucks (I can’t get any half moonstones to bring it to +8 (stuck at +6) That’s what’s fucking me up, I greatly enjoy the advanced build, but I may respec tomorrow. I was getting 800+ damage with my screwdriver + dance sword handle combo when I was balanced. But it’s too short against bosses. I kind of messed up with the swords. I thought there would be way more halfmoons by now (only found 4).
  18. Yup. It’s getting annoying.
  19. I had him down to his last chunk. I think I figured out a way.
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