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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. This review sums it up perfectly:
  2. For me, it's Lorelei and the Laser Eyes by a mile. It's the Dark Souls of puzzle games, with the feel of Resident Evil 1's mansion. This will probably end up being my GOTY since it's basically perfect. How about y'all?
  3. while i didn't care for sunset overdrive, at least it was something different. tbh i rather try a sunset overdrive 2 than a wolverine game.
  4. yeah, mine is basically my gateway back to pc gaming. i have spent a decent amount of money on steam games this year. i even double dipped quite a bit.
  5. so, the Dungeons of Hinterberg feels a lot like an 8 game...except for one thing: the magic aiming during isometric parts (for puzzles). i don't know if it's a Steam Deck thing, but the aiming is wonky af. it wouldn't be much of an issue, if timing didn't play such a key factor. fortunately, this only affects several dungeons in one area. still, it's worth pointing out. i tried googling to see if it's a common issue, but i don't see anything. edit: i will say i like how the social links actually build up your character. each bond nets something valuable. also, the game's self aware
  6. i still haven't played spiderman 2 lol. i'm superhero'd out.
  7. Didn’t you play TOTK on it? That constantly hit the 20’s.
  8. That’s impressive AF. The next gen of these devices are going to kick ass.
  9. the soul reaver games were god tier.
  10. @Twinblade the skills you get in the snow area own!
  11. i am finally strong enough for that area. i'll try it next the social stuff is improving too. i like the jabs at hipster douchebags.
  12. keto is fine if you have an event coming up in a week or so, and you want to slim down fast. long term, it's garbage.
  13. I’m super anti “low carb”. they are important.
  14. So, Dungeons of Hinterberg does pretty well in the dungeon part, but the social links are just ok. The lack of voice acting doesn’t help. There’s not much of a story either. Still, there’s a cozy feel to it all. Also, the game does a great job at mixing up your magic. The puzzles, while not hard, have been fun. I can’t fully recommend it just yet, though I see glimpses of depth in the later portions of the game. I’m still super early (only knocked out 5 dungeons). edit: the harder dungeons own! They aren’t long, but there was one puzzle that was nicely designed. I hope they continue
  15. Those issues don’t bother me. I’ll definitely play this at some point this year.
  16. Shiiiiii you should have posted this classic:
  17. It’s a fair question. Not everyone wants the D&D experience with bg3. Also, I hear DD2 is quite great. It comes down to preferences.
  18. this is sounding more like a sleeper gem. i think i'll really enjoy it.
  19. i just looked that apu up. sounds beastly af. apple's m chips could use a powerful competitor in the mobile space.
  20. i mean, transplants have done wonders for joel mchale and tom brady. so, yeah, i would look into it then.
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