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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Some of these memes 🤣 This one is my favs lol
  2. Why is your place so cluttered?
  3. My bad. I was misinformed about the pro. I thought it had a usb-c and usb3, being a “pro” device. My bad. I didn’t know it was just the c swapped out for the 3.
  4. I still don’t know why the pro doesn’t have a thunderbolt 4 port. Way faster data speeds.
  5. That’s why I haven’t played AC 6. I’m waiting for after the rush (Lies of P, Forza, Lords of the Fallen, etc.) I know that’s the kind of game you can get too rusty with too easily.
  6. Probably. I’m guessing they may drop a smaller, more efficient one next year.
  7. Ehhh I doubt that. The A16 was 2tf and the new chip is about 20% more powerful. Expect ps4-like visuals.
  8. Well yeah, the camera and usb-c are nice additions. I guess I had expected it to get the A17, and the pro get an M1 or M2, like the iPad Pro.
  9. Yeah, if you won’t utilize them, then it’s pointless.
  10. The 15 is such a lackluster upgrade unless you go the pro line, so smart move.
  11. Nice. I’m going to get that max too. I get a new phone every other year.
  12. Eh, still. 6.7” inch screen is too tiny. I’m hoping switch 2 is 8”
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