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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Ya. It’s not like they were targeting all UK sites, with delayed copies, just the ones that can’t be bought.
  2. “Starfield is so undercooked it’s probably a danger to pregnant women.”
  3. And here’s why those with an early review copy were cherry-picked lol https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/12/starfield-review-final-verdict-outdated-unambitious-and-disjointed-19483992/?ico=mosaic_gaming “Starfield review – the final verdict: outdated, unambitious and disjointed”
  4. They poke fun at a lot of the JRPG “save the world” tropes, and even some of the leveling/gameplay ones. I actually think it was intentional, or they didn’t really care since its combat/enemies/bosses/levels shine.
  5. The game looks great, but the user comments stole the show
  6. Oh yeah, the difficulty scaling is mostly great. I found I was a hair OP later in the game (minus a few boss fights).
  7. The story will continue to be all over the place. However, the gameplay and diverse levels will be more than enough to keep you playing. I will say I still got connected to the characters, even with the unfocused plot. As for enemies that summon/heal, nuke them first. It’ll save you a lot of headaches. Shiii..I restarted a battle once because of the issue you had. I ain’t got time for all that lol. I slightly backtracked, rested at the fire, and then came at those mofos with guns blazing. Those battles can go from easy to annoying really quick lol. Fortunately, they are simple if you take t
  8. You all make excellent points about the UI and inventory systems. I had to constantly drop gear/items to be under 135, or no fast travel. Oh, and the navigation between menus is so clunky.
  9. This Planet of Lana owns! I’m getting major Inside vibes.
  10. Enough to know that I didn’t feel like clearing out ANOTHER group of soldiers.
  11. I put 5 hours into it the best part was defusing a hostage situation
  12. Just pointing out its glaring flaws. I totally get that others are fine with tinkering around in a world just for the sake of it.
  13. Who cares about thar stuff if the world is dull, the characters are wooden and the writing is god awful. You can customize shit all you want, but it’s still shit. It’s a poor man’s ME with filler gameplay.
  14. Playing Planet of Lana via Gamepass. It’s a gorgeous 2D puzzle platformer.
  15. Yeah, there’s nothing special here, but I see it catering to a certain type of player. I’m just done with these types of games, unless the world/characters make it worth it.
  16. Those are actually good. Check out these pics I took. Mass Effect 2 and 3 look better.
  17. I wonder if the strengths/weaknesses of The SD helped shape the direction of the Switch 2 (or whatever it will be called).
  18. Eh, this game isn’t for me. I’ve gotten bored of clearing out areas. The combat isn’t that great either. Maybe I would be more invested if the characters weren’t so wooden. My favorite part, in the 5 hours I played, was negotiating a hostage situation. I did some exploring. Nice rocks? I’m sure this game is perfect for a certain type of gamer, one who likes to explore for the sake of exploring.
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