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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. About the dual sense in A Plague Tale (not really a spoiler, but wherever)
  2. First time. I’m 5 hours in. I’m in love with it! I love the dual sense support too!
  3. It’s 11-15hours long, depending on how much of a completionist you are. There’s no difficulty setting, but it feels just right, and I have 0 patience for dying. It’s truly magnificent and I can’t recommend it enough. I’m playing it right now (hit pause to grab water).
  4. i can tell. i get tense, in amazing ways, playing it. i already feel a connection with the characters. props to the writing and excellent VO.
  5. A Plague Tale owns! I’m glad I had slept on it, because the visuals are starting to shine nicely now.
  6. So, I played a bit of A Plague Tale, with the graphic updates, on both the ps5 and series X. I see the improvements, but there’s some strange, almost interlaced-like effect in parts. Weird. Still, it looks nice, for the most part, and I’m enjoying it. I will continue with the ps5 version, since it utilizes the dual sense.
  7. I played all 3 ps2 games and 2 of the ps3 ones (I liked crack in time more than uncharted 2, back in 2009). I never played into the nexus (looked rushed) and I didn’t love the ps4 game, because it felt too dated (minus its insane visuals on the pro). So, some of us actually like/love the franchise. Sure, they aren’t hardcore games like the sluggish souls titles (that clunky combat zzzz), but at least they are fun. Rift Apart felt like a true evolution of crack in time, on a gameplay, visual and narrative level.
  8. Love it! They come up with a lot of clever ways to keep it fun. The season 4 finale 😢
  9. Ohhhh I may have to check this out then. I haven’t played an ace attorney game in a long time.
  10. Bro, I didn’t like death stranded or days gone. Sit down with that nonsense.
  11. I love these types of movies! Ever check out grave encounters?
  12. I finished FF7 remake. Those last 2 chapters owned!!!
  13. looks great! season 1, while rough, created a solid foundation.
  14. lol i hate IGN's TV reviews. they'll praise something terrible and flop something awesome. a bunch of my fellow horror fans watched the episode this morning and, while it lacks 1994's quirks, we agreed that part 2 delivers on gore and twisted imagery. also, the acting was significantly stronger.
  15. i really enjoyed the first, but this was way better! it nails the camp slasher setting perfectly. way more gore too!
  16. it feels like pieces of a great game slapped together. it just didn't feel cohesive. maybe i'll like it more once it's ironed out. it just lacked the charm and grand feel of witcher 3.
  17. he's probably on a canadian sex offender registry.
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