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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Yeah, the vids I’ve seen are awesome. I definitely see the ZoE 2 vibes.
  2. This game looks incredible! I know it’s hard AF. However, it sounds like it’s fair.
  3. I love how frequent boss battles are in Sea of Stars. I’m at the 16 hour mark, and I have fought a good amount of them. Also, the variety with the settings/mechanics continues to keep things engaging.
  4. i want to play spiderman 2, but i don't feel like spending $70 on it. i may wait for a sale.
  5. What We Do is likeable, but it doesn't grab me. I gave it three shots (finally made it to like 5 eps lol).
  6. gotta love GS stating the obvious LOL. what a joke site https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/how-starfield-could-become-a-much-better-game-through-mods/2900-4849/
  7. Finished Special Ops: Lioness. I will say the was hot, and grounded the show with a bit of heart and depth. However, the rest felt like recycled parts taken from (insert generic secret spy trying to stop a terrorist movie/show). The dialog was riddled with military cliches. 5/10
  8. Nah, I watched a long video review from an unbiased site I like (nobody major). I can see the appeal of the game, but it’s not for me. Also, Sea of Stars has made me crave tighter campaigns, where each hour makes a difference and nets some kind of reward. I’m going to be way more selective of the 30+ hour games I play in the future.
  9. 12 hours into Sea of Stars. This game warrants the hype The pacing (after the tutorial) is excellent!
  10. I see no issues with nepotism in Hollywood. People do it in all kinds of industries.
  11. I’m halfway through Special Ops: Lioness It’s entertaining enough, if you can get past some the cheesiest, most cliched 90’s military-action dialog. I’m watching it for Saldaña and Kidman. Some cool parts, but I can’t say I recommend it unless you are in the mood for this genre.
  12. Ok, Sea of Stars owns hard! I’ve been getting new combos and each “dungeon” seems to add a gameplay mechanic ala Zelda. I’m definitely feeling this.
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