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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I’m getting it regardless. 7 was so epic.
  2. that would be a reality show i'd watch lol.
  3. it has potential. the ending looked cool. i need to see more, though.
  4. nothing a good cycle can't fix lol.
  5. ha! yeah, legs take more time to recover, especially hamstrings. i have to say, tony outdid himself with how balanced the eccentric workouts are.
  6. upper eccentric is excellent! i've actually just recommended the upper/lower portions of p90x3 to people, and just said do each twice a week lol.
  7. how is the story in octopath? what else do you like about it?
  8. yup! i drink over a gallon of water on training days lol.
  9. the only caveat is that hypertrophy training requires more carbs, which can be tough for someone doing keto.
  10. i actually tell my friends, who are looking to get muscular, to ditch the low rep routines for 8-12 rep ones, with slow controlled movements. time under tension nets the best muscular results.
  11. powerlifting and bodybuilding are two different things, though. powerlifters couldn't care less about aesthetics.
  12. yeah, that's part of my pull up plan - lose as much body fat as possible lol
  13. nah. some are still powerlifting into their 60's.
  14. best exercise 99% of lifters don't do
  15. if done correctly, 0 injuries. gymnasts train nearly every day. olympic powerlifters lift nearly every day. it's all about super smart programming and diet.
  16. yup. it's do-able, but it would be boring af. you would never feel like the muscle was being worked. i only recommend someone train the same muscle daily if they are trying to improve a technique. for example, i created a pull up regimen for people trying to learn how to get better at the exercise. so, it's not about exhausting the lats. it's just about cns programming, improving grip strength and getting better at scapular engagement. the lats do get worked/stronger, but they never come close to failure.
  17. i think we are talking about 2 different things here lol. unless one is on gear, and has the best programmed routine, one couldn't do 5 full body routines. that would be insane!
  18. ohhh you meant too much "rest" for you.
  19. huh? you get 1 or 2 days full rest between each workout.
  20. he's turning into bruce willis!
  21. it is (my buddy has one). though, the series x is actually pretty sexy in person. i like it waaay more, aesthetically, than my ps5.
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