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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i agree with the all access bundles. there would no point in getting a series x without gamepass, so go for it.
  2. yup. i'm waiting for it to finish. outsider was such a great show to binge.
  3. definitely! i even find 5 days of training can be a lot. 4 is usually the sweet spot. or if my diet suck, i'll do 3, but i'll do an "about 2 days" 3 day splt so... upper monday; lower wednesday; upper friday then lower monday; upper wednesday; lower friday then repeat both weeks. it's one of the best ways to build muscle with minimal time and energy. each muscle gets hit every 4 or 5 days.
  4. sample of great 5 day "bro split" : monday - incline bench press; flat bench press; leg press tuesday - deadlifts; t rows; pull ups, standing calve raises wednesday - military press; lateral raises; bent over raises thursday - squats, lunges, RDLs, seated calve raises friday - dips (or close grip bench), chin ups, overhead tricep extensions, concentration curls (abs can be sprinkled throughout, or done on the weekends) notice how each muscle gets hit 2 to 3 times a week.
  5. it depends. i know a lot of people push for frequency, but you can still get pretty amazing results on a well programmed "bro split". i hit every thing twice a week, with a combo of push, pull, legs, upper, lower.
  6. ahhhh true. but i HATE being chill lol. i like to feel like i'm truly working the muscle to near-failure (never failure - little gains at a huge recovery cost).
  7. i used to be able to train like that. not anymore lol.
  8. for example, i did about 10 minutes of cardio in the morning, a 5 minute push ramp up (basically warm up sets), then 45 minutes of push exercises (focusing on chest, shoulders and tris). i really hate exceeding 45 minutes of "working" sets.
  9. that's a lot man. i hope you are sipping on a protein shake while you are training. i'm not really a fan of mixing so many workouts in one session. i'll do some warm up cardio and weights....and that's it. hardcore cardio and kickboxing, each, get their own session. that's just me, though. i don't have the recovery of a 21 year-old. plus, i'm not on gear.
  10. I have never used those. I just use my eyes and clothes. Does my waist feel smaller? Are my clothes feeling tighter in the chest/leg areas? Do the muscles look defined or softer than normal?
  11. Yeah, that will leave a pussy drier than the Sahara. You may need to get your own place again. It’s always going to be an obstacle.
  12. Yeah, if you watch the technical breakdowns in 4K, it’s incredible. But I can see the art style not being your thing. Horizon 2 will be magnificent.
  13. Ratchet, alone, murders anything done last gen....and we aren’t even in the first year. Imagine 2 years from now.
  14. Eh, sometimes people change their minds. I’ve gone on great dates, but then wasn’t feeling it the next day. The same has happened to me. I once met a girl, and we were making out and she was already planning date 2 for us. I was down, but then she sent me a text several days later, saying I’m not what she’s looking for. It happens. Don’t let it drag you down.
  15. 8 or 9 is my prediction for score. I will buy it, even if it somehow scores worse than that.
  16. I finally watched Tenet. It was good. Not anywhere near Nolan’s best, but still solid.
  17. I have 0 interest in a reboot that caters to the show.
  18. Re 7 was just amazing. It was the evolution the franchise needed.
  19. Yeah, it’s super gorgeous. I can’t wait to explore the worlds in this game.
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