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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. the $.99 cent game days died out years ago. now it's the "ftp-we- gonna-rape-your-wallet" era.
  2. the only rogue-like game i ever loved was hades. holy fuck that was fun. so, it's why i'm giving this game a chance. i personally think higher about the visuals than you do, but that's fine. we can disagree. i think the most impressive aspect of the title's look is how fast the character moves, considering the detail and lighting. though, while visually pleasing, it just looks like a total blast. also, the atmosphere and creature design are right up my alley, and apparently this has the best use of the dualsense since astrobot (which i was great!). i'm actually fine with games being cross-gen.
  3. my only worry with the game is....will it still be fun after 3 hours? so, i haven't decided if this will be a day 1 yet.
  4. the speed at which everything moves, especially when you factor in its textures, lighting and models. every tech breakdown has been solid. it's not going to be the new standard like ratchet will be, but it looks great.
  5. yet a lot of sites are praising its gameplay and visuals. yeah, it's not some ray tracing tech demo, but it wouldn't look this good on last gen consoles or david's ghetto pc.
  6. i need to play unravel 2. i really enjoyed the first one.
  7. mad? LOL i'm just pointing out how retarded you sound. when you get a competitive PC, THEN you can trash next gen systems. I mean...you can always trash the sheep with your weak specs lol.
  8. Not even the OG ps4 makes your laptop look impressive. Talk about “next gen” when you get a real pc
  9. More next gen than your ghetto laptop
  10. So, is the story good in this game? I have never played the original.
  11. The gameplay and atmosphere look phenomenal! I’m still going to wait for the reviews to drop, though.
  12. Damn bro. That’s crazy af!!!! I’m glad shit went back to normal for you!
  13. Lol what happened? My buddy used it for years and he kept a lot of his hair. He had to stop because he and wife were trying to get pregnant (I think it causes birth defects?). He was off of it for several years. Bro....homeboy went from looking 30 to 45 ☠️ He looked like a meth head I guess he went back on it because he looked better in his last family pic. Crazy stuff, though.
  14. How do you finally offer stadium creator, but don’t allow night games in your created stadiums? LOL. Also, no more carryover saves... I get not having this feature for the Xbox version, but the PlayStation one? Yikes. The complaints all seem valid. Apparently, The Show feels/looks very last gen. Hopefully, the 77 meta score will trigger the devs to give the game the overhaul I was expecting. 19’s March to October was a major game changer, especially if you are restricted with time, yet want to feel like you’ve played a full season. I still recommend those with gamepass to try out 21. It’s
  15. Yeah bro! While the combat gets old, the story actually delivers. Just play it on the easiest setting, so you can blast through it
  16. Eh, I think it comes down to confidence. There’s a guy in the news room who is short and bald, and has a gorgeous/intelligent wife. He’s one of the coolest dudes I know. Funny af.
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