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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. yeah, it's pretty massive. this was going to usher in a new era of xbox dominance.
  2. the memes were awesome! GS at its peak was pretty great. Blinx flopping at GS was legendary lol. edit: cubeaholic would have made like 100 posts decimating lemmings if this were early 2000s at GS. RIP.
  3. did you complete totk? i didn't even like botw, and yet i loved (and spent 85 hours on) the game.
  4. i just went on GS SW. man...it's tame af there now. i remember when the whole main page would be flooded with "flop" posts for big games like zelda tp, gt 4 and mgs3.
  5. yup. that's why it'll be a hard pass for me. i don't care if a game has a huge world, if it's not a world worth exploring.
  6. i'm sure many bethesda fans will love it, while others (less biased) may side with ign/gs. after watching the DF breakdown, i can't say i'm terribly interested in it anymore. the world looks sterile and dull. it doesn't have the sci-fi charm of mass effect. but that's a personal preference.
  7. yeah, i think it's safe to say those 2 games will be the main ones battling it out for goty.
  8. the game looks kind of meh, so i'm confused as to why it looks/runs like shit. i'm sure the pc version will look light years better (but will have its own problems).
  9. i would snag it, but pretty much everyone who knows my tastes in games says it gets old. while i dug the insane presentation in the demo, the gameplay did feel mind-numbing.
  10. real talk, i was kind of hoping this would get a 9 or a 10. but the floppage is funny.
  11. they hand out 10's like a pedo hands out candy to kids. crazy.
  12. yeah, this is easily flop of the gen. wow! i well, i did hope for either a 7 or a 10 lol.
  13. Just finished the season 1 finale of Invasion. That was trippy af. I definitely enjoyed it. I just wonder how the writers are going to be able to navigate through their wild, almost tangled, web of sci-fi.
  14. I’ll have to watch it later. I’m definitely interested in this.
  15. Probably this, but I hope it’s something along the lines of 10’s or 7’s
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