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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. This week’s explores the lore a lot more, while still being a lot of fun.
  2. So far, I’m extremely happy with it. Astrobot is an amazing, and fun, demo to test out the new controller - which is the real deal! Spider-Man looks great and is also a blast (more of the same, but that’s fine). the system feels very solid and looks better in person. Still, I’m not a fan of the design and wish it was all black. It’s quiet af and it doesn’t get hot. But...it blows out a lot of hot air in the back. It’s not a problem for me, since I keep the system upright, and there’s nothing around it to trap it. However, this will be a problem for those who place systems in small en
  3. Spent a good 3 hours with it. No bricking here. I had the system in sleep mode with Spider-Man, and no problems.
  4. May get mine tomorrow. I changed my drop-off location to in-store, due to the rain. But if I can make it there by 8pm, cool. A part of me is tempted to sell it on eBay
  5. 7>>> the remakes. This looks like a true sequel
  6. mine may not make it here until thursday, since we had a tropical storm. so, i'll have the ps5 and series x the same day lol
  7. started watching wayne. it's pretty funny! it's like a mix of fargo and the end of the fucking world
  8. stop spamming and derailing threads you dick-sucking "it tastes like skin" faggot.
  9. yeah, i can't see $80 flying. even $70 isn't the best. unless i'm dying to play a particular title, i'll wait for them to hit $20/$30.
  10. that's hilarious. it's free with ps+, so i may as well play it.
  11. nice! these games always start off meh. this will be a blast!
  12. Jesus Christ. Retardcop is such a failure at life. He can’t get anything right
  13. People on Facebook are going to mewe and parler Buh he wonz
  14. Damn bro, the initial runs don’t do it justice. It’s a goty contender.
  15. Yeah, miles looks awesome! I’ll get it because I liked Spider-Man and it’s a pretty sweet show piece. I don’t care about the 7.
  16. I’m legit impressed that a $300 console can do ray tracing.
  17. Ya. Perming him was a prank. I still think he’s a retarded, racist POS, though.
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