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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i'd hate to see the series s version... oh wait, they haven't even shown games running on series x
  2. Eh, ever since Tom Brady got them, I think they are now more accepted.
  3. Many games are cross gen the first year or two. Dumb thread.
  4. dumb move. still, the ps5 >>>>> "no-games-to-play-launch-day" x
  5. well they have that stellar launch...with...um....nvm
  6. oooo shit. weren't you an admin back in the day?
  7. damn, just when you thought bethesda couldn't get worse. rip bethesda.
  8. Oh man, the setting was awesome. I really love how this show is unpredictable, in terms of what the viewer can expect.
  9. Jesus..tonight’s Lovecraft was amazing! The acting was excellent, and the new layer to the mythology was extremely engaging! This may be my current favorite episode.
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/20/trump-threatens-to-issue-executive-order-preventing-biden-from-being-elected-president/
  11. You left this place because you were constantly getting owned, and you ran like a little bitch ass coward. Oh...”the series s doesn’t exist”...you got owned even when you were away you are a failure at life and it’s manifested itself into your sw persona. “I’m leaving this time, I swear ”...yet you come back like a battered house wife for more abuse. Nobody gives 2 shits about your retarded, racist ass leaving. See ya in a few weeks
  12. just watched the vid. it looks awesome!
  13. waItC and X'd-box gamers consoling each other. how cute!
  14. yeah, especially since season 2 has been excellent. they take jabs at woke culture and superhero tropes. fucking genius stuff!
  15. ps4 with a stealth AAA exclusive. meanwhile, xbox.....well......um....
  16. jesus....devs really don't give a fuck about xbox anymore. then again, buyers stopped caring too.
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