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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I finished the pig quest. That was DOPE!!!
  2. Ahhh that’s why. I had felt the same way you did, until I saw just how much the story can change, based on your choices.
  3. the quarry was pretty great, if you got to see all of the different paths/endings. i platinum'd it.
  4. it is and it isn't. i'm expecting a lot of disappointing numbers, and a hefty price. but yes, the games will look better, and ninty makes great titles. they are the only one of the big 3 consistently pumping out great exclusives.
  5. don't get your hopes up about the specs lol. this is ninty.
  6. yeah, i think a lot of the quests and side stuff feel meaningful.
  7. I’m having fun just exploring areas and killing smaller bosses. I think I’m on some questline with a drunk pig. Hopefully, it nets something cool. I have found all of the hidden items and quests to be useful.
  8. Tough answer. In some ways, it’s easier than souls, and in others, it’s harder. But the game is fair. There are also tons of check points and you don’t lose anything if you die. You can respec as much as you want, as well. The bosses have been pretty great, but I’m not as far as Jon or remij. The game isn’t a cakewalk, but you can find skills and earn abilities, with side bosses, that greatly make things easier.
  9. Yeah, I think you need a special weapon to beat him. Some of my friends were talking about it.
  10. This will definitely be the time to get a pc. A 5070 will probably be in line with the 4080. Edit: shiiii if the vram is finally 12 or 16 on the 5060, I’ll get that. I don’t need 4k/240 fps.
  11. I got to put in an hour. I beat the first tiger boss and some poison witch doctor dude (I’m so bad with names). I like that I can finally use my mind cores. I was able to permanently boost my health from 420 to like 560
  12. at least they are offering refunds. man, what a turd.
  13. Sotc is great, but I don’t think I can play it again. Twice was enough lol. Amazing game for its time, though.
  14. Xbox is shaping up to be a budget gamepass box in the future, while PlayStation will be a budget PC.
  15. Just give me Demon’s Souls Remake, and the PS brand will officially be on PC while I know DeS doesn’t have the interconnectivity of DS, I actually like the hub/level structure in it. It’s a very tight campaign, and easily the shortest (20 hours?)
  16. D3 has a tough start, but then gets a whole lot easier. Just do a little farming, and you’ll be set. I’m a firm believer in suicide runs, basically running to grab objects and bonfires.
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