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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Doctor sleep was a near-perfect sequel to The Shining. I watched it twice in the theater.
  2. True. It should have been Barron.
  3. They would actually be a good third party service, with both gamepass and xplay.
  4. Yeah, it’s a great well-rounded workout. Some of the form is cringe (t-push ups are terrible for the shoulders), but it’s got a great mix of resistance, mobility and agility moves.
  5. The ad I liked was the one where Biden looked lost and was fumbling his words. Tried to find it on YouTube, but couldn’t.
  6. 0 side effects from training with a mask. Though, if does make hiit a bit harder. However, that’s like athlete-level hiit.
  7. Btw, my routine is basic af, but effective i super set train 3/4 days a week, with an upper/lower split: examples: mon/thurs upper; tues/fri lower; yoga Saturday Most workouts don’t exceed 45 minutes (doesn’t include warming up). So, 50-55 minutes? But they kick my ass.
  8. Correct about the need for both aerobic/anaerobic training. I also toss in mobility work to strengthen the joints. Bottom line: there’s no “one size fits all” approach. for example: when I feel the muscles are shrinking, I increase my calories and hypertrophy training. When I feel weak, despite having size, I switch to a 5x5 format for strength. When I feel the belt getting tighter, I drop the calories by 500 a day and do more super sets (benefits of both strength and cardio). When I have a trip, where I’ll be shirtless, and I want to hit single digit body fat, I drop the calor
  9. A 30 minute walk will slightly increase serotonin, but it will burn very few calories (100-150?). the exercises that truly boost testosterone, and have a huge impact on the endocrine system, are compound moves (can be from weights or calisthenics). Your legs and overall back net the largest results (hence why squats and deadlifts are widely praised). As for diet: man A (20 lbs over weight) does no exercise; eats 500 calories less than his maintenance amount. man B (20 lbs overweight) walks an hour a day. Eats 500 calories more than his maintenance amount.
  10. The benefits of exercising are amazing? Well no shit lol anyhow, the best advice: have an actual plan. Don’t be one of those retards who just does whatever. Track your results, learn about the effects of periodizing (get the benefits of strength and hypertrophy) and when/why you should do hiit, instead of steady state cardio. Also, diet is the most important component. I don’t care how “perfect” a program is, it’s garbage if you are eating too little/too much and neglect macros.
  11. The way ratchet moves from one plane to the next is dope af. as for quantum error...eh
  12. Some of trump’s ads are great. This one isn’t.
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