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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/2314065/establishment-of-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-task-force/
  2. you've always been a retard. this isn't anything new
  3. damn, sony and nintendo
  4. Vini is a retard. Just disregard his posts lol.
  5. it will probably come down to the dev and style of game.
  6. nah, it's going to stay open. i think it's good to hear from all sides.
  7. yeah, the board had a bit of an identity crisis. i take full responsibility for that. i tried to go from one extreme to another. in retrospect, i should have kept things how they were, BUT keep the politics in the politics board (and keep political attacks out of gaming threads). that's all we needed to do. the board is what it will be, and it can never be anything else.
  8. but real talk, a lot of us have fucked up in some way or another, whether it's spam, merry-go-round arguments, personal attacks, political bs...
  9. pretty subjective. both pump out classics, though.
  10. i'm going to agree with cancelling the xbone version. it's really holding the game back.
  11. i mean, there was definitely fucked up shit, back in 2008. however, nothing close to 2016...and it's even worse now!
  12. eh, a lot of people (myself included) are to blame for the politics stuff.
  13. yeah, "trust" is definitely at an all time low, so i can see sheepish mentality being of symptom of it.
  14. yeah, i've been seeing this on FB, as well. i've seen friendships and families crumble over politics and racial issues. if it wasn't for keeping in touch with relatives and tv contacts, i'd ditch FB. i was off of it for a year, and it was amazing! i rejoined because of a sick relative (just easier to get pics out to the whole family). i have deleted 200+ peeps, though, due to political garbage (extreme daily democrat and republican articles). i try to keep my timeline full of positive stuff.
  15. real talk, the political threads ruined the board. they should have stayed in the subforum. shit happens, right?
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