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Everything posted by -GD-X

  2. well, i'm done banning people and deleting threads/posts that are reduced to merry-go-rounds. maybe the other mods will still enforce them, but i just want politics to stay in the political forum, and to keep racism (even jokingly, since mala is a bitch and doesn't understand context) and CP out of SW. that is all
  3. some of my best fucks were with women i knew i was going to dick over.
  4. exactly. when i see a women bitch about men, i want to feed into it.
  5. likewise. she's the kind of girl you promise the world to, sleep with her, then dispose of her.
  6. yet you felt the need to talk about "illegals" on the main board...smh
  7. cool villain? i think 5 rapes the fuck out of it. it's the only FC i've completed.
  8. yup. every time the switch is back in stock, it gets sold out pretty quickly.
  9. the crazy part is they could have easily doubled the sales during the pandemic.
  10. Her insecurity has led to a series of circumstances that has made her bitter. I see it all of the time. Buh men
  11. Good adjustable dumbbells are practically impossible to find. The same with resistance bands (bodylastics are king). So, even fitness games have been selling like craaa, ring fit in particular. At one point, it was going for $300 new.
  12. Already sold out. Used ones are $120+ Crazy demand
  13. Damn, disappointing. I’m rewatching bliss. Again, the acting/writing is not the best, early on. But once shit gets crazy, it just gets trippy af. Hot lesbian scene too.
  14. All I know is that we’ve been trying to cop a second one for my sister’s place, and it’s been a bitch. They go for $140+
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