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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. -GD-X


    Buh buh I don’t have proof
  2. -GD-X


    Lol jonB got owned again
  3. -GD-X


    Find a thread where they hyped this lol
  4. -GD-X


    He has special needs. Just go with it.
  5. -GD-X


  6. Lol at the conspiracy retardation itt I bet these guys are the same ones who misunderstood how cdc numbers/provisional death counts work.
  7. Finished Dead To Me season 2. I liked it a lot! Obviously, it didn’t have 1’s novelty, but there were way more twists and turns in 2. Also, the lead performances were excellent, especially Applegate..wow! The last scene was meh, though. I’m all for twists, but c’mon....
  8. I’m not saying what you posted is incorrect. I’m saying you’re not seeing the full picture. Also, “healthy people” become carriers, making an already bad situation worse. I get it...you live on the internet. I live in the real world and see this issue with my own eyes. But hey, you are entitled to your views.
  9. Perfectly healthy people have died, as well. I report the South Florida Cases, plus I deal with Frontline healthcare workers. Also, the symptoms can be significantly worse than any flu you’ve had - even if you are 20 and in perfect health. Those people, in that list, have a greater chance of dying. That is correct. But it doesn’t paint the complete picture.
  10. Miami-Dade county is reopening soon, as well. Gyms, movie theaters and clubs will stay closed, fortunately. But there are so many idiots here, who take the arm when given a hand. This shit will spread here again big time.
  11. Season 2 had serious pacing issues. 3 is significantly better.
  12. i finally watched the westworld finale. i actually really enjoyed it and i look forward to seeing how the series will conclude. i get the disdain towards the episode, but it felt poetic and filled with redemption. there are still lots of questions that need answering, but that's what season 4 is for. while not the epic ending i hoped for, i felt good about its themes. oh...and the visuals were insane...especially early on with a main character being put back together. wow! edit: they answered my biggest question after the credits. Bada
  13. looks like a budget game i'd get bored of in 5 minutes.
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