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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. hatfishing sw.com? jk, i think he posted a pic without a hat once
  2. i couldn't agree more with your praise and gripes.
  3. probably because sugar boosts serotonin. when you get that feeling, do 3 sets of body weight squats to max. it will release all the "feel good" chemicals, and it will actually suppress your hunger.
  4. yeah, i was thinking the same thing. if you want, create it. i'm going to head out for the night. or i can make it tomorrow. up to you man.
  5. gonna keep the covid-19 thread locked for a day or so. may just keep it perm locked. i think it ran its course.
  6. yeah, i'm at the office too. i get small bits of "busy work", but the downtime is insane. i'm basically chatting online 6-7 hours of my 8 hour shift (i choose to not take a lunch break).
  7. The truth! We spoiled my friend’s Doberman for about a week, knowing he was near the end. My friend was too upset to be there when the vet came to her place to euthanize him. So, I held the dog’s paw, as he was put down, and then helped the tech carry the body to the back of his suv. It was an awful day, but his last meals were 5 star. I wish my cat could have gotten the same treatment. He was too far gone, so I had to do it immediately at the hospital (he was suffering).
  8. Wow!!!! amazing Saul!!! Bob Odenkirk’s performance at the end = mind blowing!
  9. I have several theories, but I want more pieces of the puzzle. I’m leaning towards mad’s theory, though.
  10. oh man. i'm sorry to hear. i had to put one of my cats down last summer. i was ugly face crying. mind you, i don't even cry at funerals (and get very uncomfortable when people cry around me).
  11. yeah, we share the same mindset with this season. i love where it's going!
  12. for real! i also like that the main plot is pretty straightforward, yet there are cool mysterious subplots. it addresses the issues many had with 2 (which i loved, but i get why some didn't).
  13. it looks like a ps2 game lol. but it's still my 2019 goty.
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