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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. lol for real. Someone else said 10 years
  2. I’ve been getting into modeling portfolio work. I like it, especially if it’s on/near the beach or at a park.
  3. this could have been an amazing game if it had a rewind button. redoing everything from scratch = terrible design choice.
  4. yeah, and TOTK was a technical marvel. it would be cool revisiting it with updated visuals.
  5. day 1. i love mobile devices. my expectations for its graphics are pretty low and realistic. but ninty games with improved visuals are always welcomed.
  6. I’m on 4 now. I can’t even imagine how dark it gets
  7. Yeah, Goggins and the overall lore were stellar. What the show lacked in dialog, it made up for with world building and delicious gore. I dug the dark humor too. It was a significantly more fun ride than TLOU.
  8. Mike is clean now and was born to fight. I have trained with 60+ year-old fighters. They are usually better than the youngins because of experience.
  9. Lightroom Classic on my Mac. I think my love for gaming is morphing into a love for color grading pics (something I enjoyed with films). I can’t seem to get past the 5 minute mark in a game now.
  10. i like those 1p man movies.
  11. lol gaming sites are just for stupid sw fodder. i played starfield and found it to be a dull mess. it's like....there were parts of a great game, but they were slapped together in a frankenstein kind of way. awful load times, clunky interface, terrible ship navigation. maybe it was improved after launch, but it just wasn't good when i played it.
  12. It’s the only GTA I couldn’t get into.
  13. ah tru dat. well, this is here if y'all change your mind.
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