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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. don't worry lol. just take a vitamin d supplement.
  2. GTA is way better. i could never get into the SR games.
  3. Yup. The body changes. It can’t take the abuse it once did. Caffeine + lack of sleep lead to increased levels of cortisol = the stress hormone. That will also have a negative impact on your overall endocrine system (including testosterone and estrogen ratios). It sucks getting older. I’m still sore from doing a Climbing/pull up challenge on Sunday
  4. Exercise; avoiding or reducing alcohol and caffeine; exercise; eating better; sleeping more while stress may be the trigger, changing your lifestyle helps significantly.
  5. The background in the beginning was 2d. It looked awful. I used to work on set design for indie projects and even I could have created something better. the final battles looked fair, which was expected considering it wasn’t a proven tv franchise. Season 2 will look light years better.
  6. Oh yeah, especially after it became a huge hit.
  7. nah, tupac was from canada and was obsessed with rapper immortal technique (a black guy). deeno doesn't like blacks.
  8. i miss hitman and his texture analysis.
  9. oh yeah...i don't miss those lol
  10. i tried playing in mobile on switch and it looked like a mess. i bet it will be awesome on pc. nice win, hermits
  11. whippit was amazing. his xbone hype was unparalleled.
  12. I actually liked the second silent hill, despite it being bad. I’m biased af, though.
  13. Watched 2 movies: midsommer - wonderful piece of art, but piece of shit film searching - cool concept and tense, but a bit predictable.
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