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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. RIP to the days of kaz and reggie
  2. damn, i would just use $10 keyboards back in the day. too fancy.
  3. exactly! so, i get annoyed by critiics/movie snobs who get all butthurt when these pedos don't like their favorite films. it's like - who the fuck cares? unfortunately, i'm in the tv/movie industry, so i have to deal with certain critics/execs. but it warms the heart seeing them cry over joker one dude called it cosplay garbage. yet he fucking loves furries and was upset that frozon 2 didn't reveal that elsa is a dyke lol.
  4. the academy is full of racists and pedos. i'm not surprised. still, watching the snobby critics whine about the joker makes me actually want to watch the show lol #teamjoker
  5. the problem with the link you posted is that the rumored $400 xbox will only have 4 tf of power....when the one x has 6 and is often available for $350-$400. i'm calling BS on the article.
  6. this, but give me horizon 2 instead of DS.
  7. yes! fucking movie critics can suck my dick. did uncut gems gets snubbed? sure. however, it's a stupid awards show so studios can circle jerk each other with accolades.
  8. jack was awesome! i agree with this post.
  9. https://slate.com/culture/2020/01/oscar-nominations-2020-joker-best-picture-no.html poor babies
  10. i like phil's attitude towards games. you can tell he's passionate about them.
  11. true true....the OG pw trilogy was pretty amazing (especially 1 and 3). but yeah
  12. it was a great film. joker resonated with me more, but parasite was the better made movie.
  13. i love watching the movie snobs cry over joker i didn't care bout the GG, and i couldn't care less about the AA. studio circle jerks.
  14. oh yeah. i was so tired too, but i had to see it through. i was very surprised by how well all of the "weird stuff" was explained. 0 loose ends. this may be one of my favorite gaming stories ever. and the inside jokes oh...
  15. Sober. I don’t drink or smoke. as for when, I try to game an hour here..an hour there. Lately, I’ve been using any downtime at work to play. However, the last 1/3 of AI Somnium files is so good, that I played sat morning, yesterday morning and last night.
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