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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Oh shit, just realized you are liquid. Sup bro?
  2. That’s fair. I liked it more than I should have, due to nostalgia.
  3. Eh, I find the original boring. Different strokes. Again, the new film was far from perfect, but it’s not as bad as some critics make it out to be.
  4. Watched 2 movies - Ad Astra (good) and One Cut Of The Dead (amazing - one of the most creative zombie films).
  5. Eh. I would be disappointed, Sony would be stupid to release a system with only 9 tf. All they have to do is put out a powerful machine (comparable to the series one), keep making award winning titles, and price the system competitively. That’s it. It would be a repeat victory.
  6. I picked up on the main twist, only because I knew something was
  7. 7/10 - many great moments; some shitty ones too.
  8. Watched season 2 of You with my Italian girl. They did a good job shaking up the formula, and I dug the ending. Best show to Netflix and chill with.
  9. Just watched it. I posted a mini review in the tv/movie thread. I nearly had a heart attack watching it
  10. Just watched Uncut Gems. That shit gave me insane anxiety, numerous times. At face value, Sandler was great (based on his other performances). However, it’s the nuances (facial expressions/hand gestures) and restraint that made his character believable, worthy of Oscar buzz. Watching him juggle deals, dodge debt collectors and try to keep the heavily torn fabric of his family together was a masterful balancing act - especially when you know what’s at stake. He’s not a good guy. He’s consumed by his demons. But you root for him. Still, I think Pattinson was better (Just a perfect performance im
  11. There’s a lot of better things I can do with my time than come here....yet I still come here lol
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