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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I finished The Witcher. I liked it a lot. it’s inconsistent, ranging from forgettable 90’s TV fantasy to something slicker, nearly hitting the AAA mark. Yennifer and Geralt truly make this first season. Both delivered on the acting front, and their chemistry felt rich and organic. I hope the viewer numbers are great for season 1, because there’s a great foundation here. Yes, limitations in the budget were apparent, and the writing is quite simple. However, as a fun, mindless fantasy series, there’s a lot to work with. The show will never be the next Game of Thrones, but that’s fine. The se
  2. Back on topic. I finished The Witcher. I liked it a lot. it’s inconsistent, ranging from forgettable 90’s TV fantasy to something slicker, nearly hitting the AAA mark. Yennifer and Geralt truly make this first season. Both delivered on the acting front, and their chemistry felt rich and organic. I hope the viewer numbers are great for season 1, because there’s a great foundation here. Yes, limitations in the budget were apparent, and the writing is quite simple. However, as a fun, mindless fantasy series, there’s a lot to work with. The show will never be the next Game of Thrones, but that’s f
  3. Seeing this today. I love Good Time so much. Can’t wait!
  4. I have yet to see a dick itt, unless you include me. What a letdown
  5. The Mr. Robot series finale took a few days to process. I loved it, at first, but I had to make sure I’d feel the same way after 3 or 4 days. I can safely say I love it even more now, after discussing it with several friends. It’s so fucking fitting, despite wanting a different ending, initially (not to say I was disappointed, at first - far from it). What a great, mindfuck of a series, but one that actually made a lot of sense by the end.
  6. They made a killing at the box office. They didn’t flop lol
  7. The show is probably too cerebral for you, so it’s understandable. You need more accessible entertainment.
  8. We’ll have to agree to disagree. Indy was fun. New hope is boring and corny.
  9. yeahhh...but it's aged like hell. indiana jones is a better example of groundbreaking block buster cinema - that's still as epic now. as for new hope, it's not a very good story at all. neither is rotj. the prequels sucked dick. so, i rated eps 7,8 and 9 accordingly. they are solid/good, not great films.
  10. The leftovers is up there with them. I can’t say it’s better. But yeah, HBO has created many gems. Barry and Curb in 2020
  11. A new hope is held in high regard, due to its “first of its kind” visuals. The story wasn’t that good. Empire takes a massive dump on it.
  12. i'm sorry bro. i had to do that this summer. i never cry at funerals (been to a lot too), or when a relative dies (shit happens). however, putting my 1 cat down was the worse feeling i've ever felt. i didn't talk to anyone for 2 days. if you want to chat, dm me.
  13. Yeah, as someone who watches a lot of TV, I can easily say Watchmen was the show of the year, with the episode A God Walks In Abar being the best hour of tv I've seen in a long time, easily besting Lost's Constant (those who've seen both will understand why I made this comparison).
  14. RT sucks, but watchmen is a AAA show, on a production and narrative level, and the witcher is a b-show. it's still enjoyable in a cheap entertainment kind of way.
  15. i'm on ep 6 of witcher. i like it. i don't love it...but i like it. the standouts = geralt, yennifer and dandelion.
  16. It's easily my favorite switch game and overall GOTY
  17. exactly. I don’t know what people were expecting.
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