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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. same. the DC launch was my favorite day ever in gaming. i got the system with 5 titles. even blue stinger owned (yeah, it sucked, but i still loved it)
  2. same. i played so many DC games. i actually played the EU version of shenmue 2 on DC (with Japanese VO and subtitles)
  3. The reason why I’m glad I went with the black eagles first is:
  4. Eh, so I figured my new game + for both playthroughs would stack up for my third one, but that wasn’t the case. Disappointing. Oh well, Claude’s house is apparently the least interesting one, anyhow (edelgard > dimitri>claude, apparently)
  5. I’m too tired to explain. The point is - someone is either a he/she..gay/straight/bi/tranny fuck these pansexual ass niggaz trying to give bi some fancy fucking name.
  6. I haven’t played the older titles, but your points are valid.
  7. That’s great to hear man. What have been the flaws iyo? Also, which house did you pick?
  8. No doubt. But it’s more than that. For example, I’m a pretty big LBGTQ advocate. However, all of this “identifying” bullshit, and these 50+ new sexuality classes, make me feel like I’m now more in the middle, because I don’t share these extreme views. Also, I don’t agree with letting kids change their sex before they are a legally an adult, but I’m ok with transexuals (if an adult chooses to take this path, go right ahead). And I hate how posts that used to be jokes are now considered forms of shaming. Fuck feelings. People have gotten soft, and I blame the extreme leftists. So, I’m in the mid
  9. Is there a way I can give you my save? I have a new game+ with not just one, but two completions.
  10. I don’t know what it is. I seem to lose patience with every shooter. Yet, I’ll put 110 hours into fire emlem (will put 50 more when I do claude’s House)
  11. I used to lean more towards the left, but this new generation of leftists has me more in the middle now.
  12. Yup. I’m officially sick of shooters. Gears 5 looks great and plays well..yet..I’m already over it. This is the exact same thing that happened with metro and a few other shooters. It seems like my genre of choice is now RPGs.
  13. Nah, that’s incorrect. I’m playing it right now. I did the bootcamp
  14. Fortunately, I already downloaded gears and can play it offline
  15. ah ok. i just want to make sure i can play. looking forward to checking it out tonight.
  16. i loved bayo 2 more than 1. it was just a tight experience.
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