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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Beat my second playthrough of fire emblem. I need a break before my third lol. Though, that was an epic final battle. My MC was overpowered enough that I singlehandedly beat the final boss with him. I was level 53, the highest class possible, and I was rocking 2 defensive rings. I was like god lol. Oh, and I wifed Dorothea this time. Great choice 10/10 goty/top 5 gotg
  2. Damn. It always felt like a 7, but it still looked pretty fun (based on what I watched). I’m still looking forward to playing it.
  3. Holy cow, my initial prediction 7/8.8 was spot on. I got blinded by the purty visuals lol
  4. Exactly. It’s not. What a bunch of fuckheads.
  5. I’ve never been into this franchise, and I’m legit 110 hours in (almost done with my second campaign). In a few weeks, I’ll begin my third, so I can see how it differs with the last house.
  6. the part i just clicked on this is going to look amazing with hdr (watching on a computer monitor, and even now the lighting is insane).
  7. true. i've been skimming through, expecting a train wreck. i must say, i'm pleasantly surprised by what i've seen. it's definitely the most colorful gears game, and i mean that in a great way. the stage scenes was dope.
  8. 4 is very meh. just play 5, which actually looks great!
  9. for real, i have no clue what that guy..er...thing is talking about.
  10. exactly. yeah, the system has some excellent exclusives (fire emblem is my goty), but snes (and even gc) had a lot of great multiplats too.
  11. he should not discuss his sexuality then, since it's irrelevant to his work. i never understood why celebs/e-celebs need to put their personal business out there. it's like... who gives a fuck if you eat pussy or suck dick or do both or do neither.... you don't see people saying "i'm a straight male"...
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