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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/cyberpunk-2077-phantom-liberty-review-the-songbird-sings/1900-6418116/
  2. Oh yeah, the game gets a lot more intricate. In addition to standard buffs like fire and electricity, the game gives a lot of incentives for hybrid builds, especially with the weapon customization. Slapping a big, heavy wrench onto a faster saber handle is amazing! It’s my current weapon of choice for farming and if I just want quick, but powerful, kills. edit: I feel like there’s way more incentive to dump points into Advance than in BB’s Bloodtinge.
  3. Not yet. I’ve been dreading having to deal with AT&T ( I would use the next program to get $1,000 off).
  4. Looks great. Gamepass has it day 1, so I’ll play it there.
  5. I will definitely get this when it’s on sale.
  6. I made some pretty good progress in Lies of P. I would have cleared out the 4th main area, but my damn xbox controller broke (right back button). I had just figured out which weapon and strategies to use on the boss too lol. I can’t express how much I love creating weapons. The handles have more impact on combat than just being faster or tankier. It’s pretty nice having the scaling/power of your favorite blade and using it with a handle that has the move set/speed you are looking for. I can’t say I’m a fan of the dodge upgrade being buried in a skill tree. Sometimes, an
  7. The controls were tweaked. Dodging is better, but not great (you can unlock improved dodging later into it).
  8. i did, but my eyes can't handle small screens for longer than 15-30 minutes now. maybe it would be different with a less chaotic indie game.
  9. i would get a month of gamepass just to make sure it's for you.
  10. lies of P OWNS! pros: weapon customizing is insanely cool; i love using different arms in different areas, depending on enemies (the grapple one makes combat fast and frenetic); very linear, so this feels like it's going to be a tight campaign; neat "armor" upgrade system; super cool levels. cons: parries require perfection (i feel like BB was more forgiving); too linear (a pro for me, but a con for those who love to explore); major deja vu if you've played BB; jarring difficulty spike between enemies in some areas and respective bosses. minor grinding required to get a
  11. i gotta say, i'm impressed by valve's steady support.
  12. They own. The second is superior, though.
  13. i think it's like $100 more, but you get an extra 4gb of vram. it sounds like a gangsta card and it smokes the pricier (by $300) 4080.
  14. That’s should pump out some pretty awesome raw numbers. Just keep in mind that ray tracing won’t be the strongest. Edit: you may want to look at the 7900 xtx
  15. Yup. You can get a 4700 (non-TI) to help pay for the monitor. It’s a great 1440p/60fps card.
  16. this. $2,000 is more realistic (4070ti, 32g of ddr 5 ram, I9 cpu)
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