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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Well, to be fair, I rewatched the scene. It could go either way. I think the only way she could get so close to the night king would be to have taken form of a white walker. I think the scene was purposely missing the transformation, to avoid/create doubt, or because maybe the faceless skill will be crucial for the end. So, I will revisit the episode once the season is done. I still think we will learn more about the night king/white walkers before the series concludes.
  2. Ummm..I knew what was going to happen after that conversation. That’s why the faceless arc is an amazing one. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.
  3. Hey, I get why some are disappointed. I think I loved it because I feel like the show has done a great job at delivering payoffs for many of its character arcs(Theon/bran/sensei/Arya/jon snow/etc.) as for the night king/white walker arc, I would love to know more...but I’m ok if I don’t. I’m so emotionally invested in the characters. I love all the character redemption and transformations in the show.
  4. If there was one thing I wanted more of..I’d say..big character deaths. Still, 3 more eps to go, so I hope we lose some major characters.
  5. Ha I think we all started with the bro spit. It’s still good, if you have imbalances. You can add another round of squats on chest day..or add incline dumbbell press to leg day. Still, there are better overall splits: push/pull; upper/low; full body; etc.
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thewrap.com/avengers-endgame-makes-box-office-history-with-1-2-billion-global-opening/amp/ abc if made 360 million here in the states. It literally doubled the previous record. Insane
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