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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. sometimes. it depends on my work schedule, weight training program, diet and quality of sleep.
  2. Awesome! You can do cardio on your off days. 😎
  3. plus, homeboy backs up every claim with actual studies, and gives props to some of the best experts in the industry. here's an example:
  4. i watch a lot of channels. he's, by far, the best. i've spoken to him a few times, when he first started. super cool and he hasn't let the success get to his head.
  5. at first, i thought this was going to be a thread about a new Tesla
  6. i've always loved his music, but this video (and the story behind it) blows me away.
  7. oh i know. i was just being silly. btw, great post!
  8. that's fine. this is just what works for me. give me a sample of what you have each day. i can modify it.
  9. Damn, he’s hardcore af. Respect. Meanwhile, I’ll be clicking that easy mode
  10. ok, you'll want to take in about 1800 calories a day. i would say 30% protein; 35% carbs; 35% fat fyi, 1g of protein is 4 calories; g of carbs is 4 calories; 1g of fat is 9 calories ideal breakdown (you can eat 3, 4, or 6 meals a day - it's up to you. just get your 1,800): 135 grams of protein 157 grams of carbs 70 grams of fat ------ you should lose 3 to 4 pounds your first week (water weight).. then 1 or 2 pounds the next week then 1 each following week if you aren't dropping any weight, you'll need to reduce
  11. are you bulky? too thin? skinny fat? these are important factors. what do you currently weigh? what's your target weight?
  12. i'm not into these games, but the combat looks pretty sick.
  13. just watched the trailer. i can't believe i slept on that. looks so good!
  14. black liberal: blacks deserve equal rights black conservative: shut up n$%^*r
  15. oh no doubt. i'll get it when it hits $20. i still have to get metro.
  16. so it's actually good? damn, color me surprised. i thought it looked kind of bad. i guess i'l give it a shot. capcom truly is back!
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