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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. damn, that prices are $40 here in south florida. just sayinnnnn
  2. it better include a free asian handjob.
  3. she may be hiding explosives in her blubber.
  4. it looked awful in handheld mode. a damn shame.
  5. metro. maybe dmc 5 if it ends up being good.
  6. It’s crazy. When you go back to other titles, they will look ultra artificial. There’s an organic feel to RDR2 with its artistic design. Many times, I felt like I was watching video.
  7. nintendawgs would be a cool game - raise lil' homies and teach them how to kill other lil homies. it would be the best battle royale
  8. LOL. the controls get a lot easier. they could have definitely been much more intuitive. ubisoft is much better when it comes to gameplay than rockstar imo.
  9. They take time getting used to. I would accidentally kill innocents, at first. They become second nature, though
  10. nope. it's a banned substance. that came to a close about a decade ago.
  11. at this rate, anything is possible. it's disgusting. i don't care if one is tranny, just don't commingle males/females in sports.
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