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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Men make more money...so we can buy hoes drinks. It all evens out in the end.
  2. The show gets pretty awesome in the second half.
  3. o snap. he time traveled he was one of the assassins edit: i don't remember if he killed anyone on the plane, but let's pretend he has a murderous past and was a catalyst for larger events to transpire.
  4. finished it. i really enjoyed it...and i'm not a big superhero fan.
  5. yeah, i couldn't agree more. this is where ubisoft really shines. its world may not look as good, or feel as organic, as RDR2, but the gameplay is solid af!
  6. nah, i'm not far at all, especially since i've been doing it more stealth-like. that way, i can kill dudes with higher XP. in one part, i lured a bunch of them out to the shore, and took them out while i was in the water. that shit was ownage.
  7. the butthurt is real. the acedemy awards are garbage imo, anyhow. if titanic and shape of water can win...then meh
  8. that's a barebones comparison. it's funny, moving, and you can't help but smile at the end. it's doesn't rewrite the formula, but it elevates it.
  9. green book is a very familiar story (unlikely pair become close friends). however, both ali and viggo deliver A+ performances. i think another thing i liked about the flick, is that the racial angle wasn't heavy-handed. yes, it was there. however, it didn't bog down the "feel good" vibe the film was shooting for. ultimately, it's a crowd-pleaser, and i think it's a great movie for the current social climate.
  10. hmmm.... in no particular order 1. the favourite 2. green book 3. blindspotting 4. can you ever forgive me? 5. hereditary these are just 5 random films. i watched a bunch of foreign horror flicks i liked...like framed (twisted as fuck!)
  11. i have seen this like 10 times. still funny as hell. i showed my boss
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