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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Eh, it depends on tastes. I loved god of war, Detroit and Spider-Man last year - 3 exclusives. If I could only have one console, it would be the PS4 pro, since it gets nearly every Xbox game and real, stellar exclusives. However, since money isn’t an issue, I will gladly use my Xbox one x for superior multiplats. But they are only that - multiplats and can be played elsewhere (many times they are best on PC - if you want to go there).
  2. Exactly. The missions are whatever, but you don’t even care because of how awesome the world is.
  3. yikes XBOX dONE but i love the one x - the definitive version of RDR2.
  4. i loved the whole thing, especially the finale. beck is hot af too. damn. but i can see why you feel that way. the tone definitely changes (good or bad, depending on the viewer)
  5. it's not that crackdown 3 is a bad game. the problem is that it's a ok 2007 title with 4k and hdr. i think it would have scored better as a $15 arcade title, and if they had ditched the cloud hype.
  6. I’m ok with how the punisher ended. Very fitting imo. Jessica Jones season 2 was awful, so no loss there.
  7. docked or undocked? i played it in handheld mode and it looked like it was smeared in vaseline...like some bitch went ham with the facetune app.
  8. i felt it looked blurry in the foreground too. it's just a huge disappointment, visually. even that kirby game, which came out last year, looks a lot better! let's hope it's an old demo.
  9. i got ass creed for $2 ($25 on amazon - $23 amazon points). epic win lol
  10. i'm going through RDR2 withdrawal. i need another world to explore. metro or ass creed odyssey?
  11. yeah, the effects in metro vids look nuts. but RDR2 just feels like this cohesive visual masterpiece. it's the graphics king imo (one x version)
  12. I don’t even know what’s intensive about it. Donkey Kong tropical freeze looks so much better and is sharper too.
  13. Just played the demo. This should look a lot better. It’s so blurry.
  14. True detective has been messy this season, yet there stil have been a lot of amazing moments. I feel like the show loses itself in its puzzles, but I’m savoring the pieces and looking forward to what will become of them.
  15. Silent hill 1-3 > every resident evil game. Come at me bros
  16. I’m sure it will make an appearance, in some form. However, we’ll be seeing a lot of native 4K.
  17. Ha, I said the same thing, until I realized how massive it is.
  18. So I finally played crackdown 3. It’s basically crackdown, which is fine. The agility orbs are still fun to collect. The series has always had a shitty campaign, and this is no different. However, I’m getting a lot of 2007 nostalgia vibes (maybe because it looks and plays like a 2007 game lol). I had a lot of good memories with the original, so I’ll probably finish this. I can’t imagine it being longer than 5 or 6 hours
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