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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Just finished RDR2. Now that’s how you do an epilogue! I beat the title in 2 weeks - a rarity for me now, considering the 60 + hour length. Prior to playing this, I thought I was losing interest in gaming. However, RDR2 reminded me why I play - to get lost and completely immersed in a universe. The gameplay wasn’t perfect. The mission structure is dated. However, I didn’t even care. The world and its main characters are so dynamic, and the game is filled with many memorable moments. If I were to sum up the title with one word, it would be “grand”.. 10/10 for me
  2. Yeah. Some days, i’d play it for an hour. Others..like 10. I would only play if I wanted to. The vibe, in general, is super lax but engaging. I just did the mission “a quick favor for an old friend”. I’m loving this last chunk of the game.
  3. Hmmm I have the x900f, and I think the hdr is incredible, and that the recommended game setting is amazing. However, I spent over an hour calibrating my tv when I got it. Are you using stock tv settings (which are still quite good)? Glad you like the game
  4. I’m at the very end - in 2 weeks lol. I got hooked bro. I was curious to see how far I am, and I’m almost done with the “ending”
  5. Yeah, it’s crazy. It has the detail and effects of a linear game, except it’s massive. A true technical achievement. Now, I’m basing this off of the superior one x version. The pro version is underwhelming, in comparison.
  6. Yeah, it looks like a gameloft title. I got it downloading. I will play it this weekend.
  7. That’s a great way to sum it up. The exploration makes it feel like a living, breathing interactive world, but the mission designs are very archaic, reminding you it’s a game. It is quite jarring, now that I think about it. Fortunately, I’m able to overlook the flaws for the overall experience. Episode 6 is excellent btw. Edit:sorry @MalaXmaS
  8. But the world, when not on a mission, is unparalleled in scope and freedom.
  9. I guess I’m so used to rockstar games that I don’t notice it as much. But yeah, I was just playing it, and I tried to meander a bit from the mission area and I died lol
  10. Got gamepass going to finally play D4 and I’ll check out crackdown 3. But the goal this weekend - finishing RDR2. I’m gonna put a good 4 hours into it tonight.
  11. titanfall 2 is awesome! sotc is a classic.
  12. he'll love the fact the one x version has "crushed blacks"
  13. the game looks great! i will cop it soon.
  14. oh...yeah..it had missions like that, but there are many where you are solo too.
  15. https://www.ign.com/wikis/red-dead-redemption-2/Patches_and_Updates here you go man. so, minor fixes and the online beta
  16. yeah, i think it's online related. but yeah, the world is massive and dense, hence the two disks. your mind will be blown when you see this on your tv.
  17. this. and it's incredibly gorgeous. i think it's the best looking game i've ever played. many times, i feel like i'm watching video when i'm riding my horse in the mountains, or walking through a town.
  18. Flab abs is finally going to a fat farm
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