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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. The only remake that looks good is pet cemetery
  2. especially if the ps5 greatly enhances ps4 games, while offering ps5 exclusives.
  3. terrible. good god lol. RiP robin williams
  4. i couldn't care less, since i will be rolling solo (when i do get around to it). however, it would suck if i was into multiplayer.
  5. jimbo, would you say you are a grower then?
  6. I can’t say I’ve ever had a WiFi issue with the PS4. Even the OG. Granted, I would just use it for downloads and Netflix.
  7. I’m getting gamepass for sure! I may have to wait a few weeks, though. Gotta finish RDR2.
  8. The light particle effects look awesome! When does this drop? I gotta finish rdr2 first.
  9. I can totally see why. It took me a good 5 hours to feel “ok” with the controls. I kept accidentally killing innocents lol. The game is also slow as fuck, especially at first. But I’m old as fuck, so I like the pacing. I feel like the protagonist, aurthur, at times lol. I’m at chapter 4. The game is starting to have this really grand feel to it, even surpassing the Witcher 3 (Witcher 3 had a significantly better story imo, though). The world is the highlight, and the dialog has greatly improved. I’m starting to feel a connection with certain characters. I’m curious as
  10. 7 at gs shit campaign; fun orb-collecting, lots of destruction, and fun multiplayer 7.2 at MC/72 at R
  11. Eh I can’t say I’m impressed by the destruction. However, I will get this via gamepass. Orbs
  12. It’s super chill, which I love. Hell, you can even skip sections if you die like 3 or 4 times during them. So, it’s perfect for us casuals. Is it “too slow” for some? definitely! But, it’s worth checking out, especially on the one x. Simply gorgeous and I’m really loving the characters. The world is amazing!
  13. The new area in chapter 4 is quite possibly the most stunning thing I’ve seen in a game.
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