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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. yeah, that was awesome. good times. i loved this one too (older vid)
  2. this! i loved cooke's and gouk's levels. hard af!
  3. 1 and 2 are the best - by far. especially 1. i love that flick.
  4. i think it's a shitty sub-genre, altogether
  5. Hal you are always welcomed here
  6. I like the idea of 4chan/Reddit users. Shit, I post more memes than they do
  7. i didn't care for 4, so i won't be playing this. 1 is still the best imo.
  8. i only get disks if i know i'm going to sell the game after completion (once i finish rdr2, for example, peace!). i get digital if i'm truly dying to play something at midnight, or if it's something i'll want forever. i refuse to collect games.
  9. The problem is that we are getting too old for SW antics, and that the fabric of SW has torn. “Exclusives” are slowly becoming a thing of the past, as platforms head towards becoming service-driven. Also the political/left/right crap here sucks. I mainly post in the official threads now
  10. They all moved to discord and are happy there. I don’t mind our small community.
  11. You would have to start a different board. We are too silly/weird. with too many inside jokes, for mass appeal.
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