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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Yeah, some missions have been exhilarating! I look forward to the rest. Even with its flaws, this game is perfect for me. I think I love open world games, now, more than linear ones.
  2. Chapter 3. The world and vibe are awesome, which is why I’m hooked, but I don’t get the story praise. It’s ok. The acting is solid, but nothing mindblowing. The graphics (one x version) are stellar. At times, I feel like I’m watching a movie. Simply gorgeous. I haven’t gotten the “goty” vibe yet, but I’m still early in 3.
  3. Oh ok. I hit the 20% mark. I have put in a good 15 hours.
  4. Rdr2 question. Is the percentage completed the campaign, or overall game?
  5. I don’t see a reason to be any other color this year.
  6. This one is special, though
  7. Jon, get on RDR2. It’s amazing on the one x - a true showpiece.
  8. Well, I have put 10+ hours into rdr2 already. I think it’s safe to say I love it.
  9. rdr2 looks amazing on the one x. i got re 2 remake on the one x. i will get metro on it too. so, this year i will be a lemming. all of the sony games i want come out in 2020+
  10. scores aside, was this at least fun? it looks like mindless entertainment.
  11. I didn’t care for tonight’s true detective. The wheels spun, but the car didn’t move.
  12. Glad you liked You! And yeah, bird box was overrated af
  13. That’s funny!!! I saw the “real” couple banging in that room
  14. I didn’t see that. I did walk on some dude plowing some hoe
  15. I have a save point just before it, so I can redo it. So amazing
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